Throughout the lockdown since March 2020 Dorset Street Practice has continued therapy online without interruption.The easing of lockdown offers the opportunity to consider resuming in-person therapy. Therefore, at Dorset Street Practice we will offer the option of in-person consultations as of Monday 14th September 2020. Provision of in-person treatment will be in keeping with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the British Psychological Society (BPS) guidance for counsellors and therapists.
We have carried out a risk assessment of our premises and created a procedure checklist to mitigate the risk of contamination before, during and after seeing clients. We have a sanitisation process in place at our premises, including: maintaining social distancing of at least a 1 m and no more than 2 clients in the room at any one time, disinfecting surfaces after each session, and maintaining a very high standard of cleanliness at the practice. We have ensured suitable hand-washing facilities are available on the premises. Upon arrival clients will be asked to use hand sanitisers available on entry to the building and in the consulting room. We have also insured facilities are well ventilated by airing out the space and using fans to improve air circulation.
COVID-19 screening questions will be asked of clients ahead of their appointment, including: recent onset of a new continuous cough, presence of a high temperature, and loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell. If the client has any of these symptoms, however mild, they will be asked to stay at home and reschedule their appointment or consider the online option.
We have carried out a risk assessment of our premises and created a procedure checklist to mitigate the risk of contamination before, during and after seeing clients. We have a sanitisation process in place at our premises, including: maintaining social distancing of at least a 1 m and no more than 2 clients in the room at any one time, disinfecting surfaces after each session, and maintaining a very high standard of cleanliness at the practice. We have ensured suitable hand-washing facilities are available on the premises. Upon arrival clients will be asked to use hand sanitisers available on entry to the building and in the consulting room. We have also insured facilities are well ventilated by airing out the space and using fans to improve air circulation.
COVID-19 screening questions will be asked of clients ahead of their appointment, including: recent onset of a new continuous cough, presence of a high temperature, and loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell. If the client has any of these symptoms, however mild, they will be asked to stay at home and reschedule their appointment or consider the online option.